SugarCRM: Populating fields using a Relate field

SugarCRM, SuiteCRM Navin Rakhonde
This will enable you to populate a field/fields when a value is selected in a relate field. Steps are as below, Step 1:  Go to <sugar>/custom/Extension/modules/<MODULE_NAME>/Ext/Vardefs/ and create a new file (ex. vardef.ext.php) Step 2:  Add the following codes to the file: (This is for the quicksearch) $dictionary['<MODULE_NAME>']['fields']['<RELATE_FIELD>']['populate_list'] = array('name', 'id',…
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Increse number of records into SubPanel ListView

SugarCRM, SuiteCRM Navin Rakhonde
We have increased the number of records that is shown in a subpanel for a custom module. It will be done by simple steps, Step 1: create file in custom/modules/<desired_module> view.detail.php and add below code. <?php if(!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) die('Not A Valid Entry Point'); require_once('include/MVC/View/views/view.detail.php'); class View<desired_view_name> extends ViewDetail { function…
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Remove Sorting from listView in specific column

SugarCRM, SuiteCRM Navin Rakhonde
How do I remove sorting from listView (desired_module) in specific column in SugarCRM/SuiteCRM? We want to Remove sorting on Name field (only one field) of ListView of <desired_module>Module. Steps are as below, Step 1: Copy your modules/< desired_module>/metadata/listviewdefs.php file to custom/modules/<desired_module>/metadata/listviewdefs.php and set such as 'EMAIL1' => array ( 'width'…
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