How to call JavaScript function from editviewdefs field of any module in SugarCRM / SuiteCRM

It will be done by below steps only! Lets do this,

STEP 1 : Add a reference to the JavaScript file which will be needed for event binding.

Path: custom/modules/<desired_module>/metadata/editviewdefs.php


$viewdefs['<desired_module>']['EditView']['templateMeta']['includes'] =
    array (
        array (
        'file' => 'custom/modules/<desired_module>/js/editview.js',

Step 2 : Add the JavaScript file you want to include into the location you referenced above(custom/modules/<desired_module>/js/editview.js).

Step 3 : Write your custom function code in editview.js file.

Step 4 : Now the filed in which you want to call the JavaScript function write as follow

   0 =>  
          array ( 
            'name' => 'fieldname', 
            'studio' => 'visible', 
            'label' => 'LBL_', 
            'displayParams' => 
           array ( 
             'javascript' => 'onchange=functionname()', 


  0 =>  
          array ( 
            'name' => 'fieldname', 
            'studio' => 'visible', 
            'label' => 'LBL_', 
            'displayParams' => 
           array ( 
                         'onclick' => 'functionname();', 

Step 4 : Quick Repair, then hard refresh your browser. All Done !

Step 5 : Done! Refresh the page and start testing.

Note :

1. Read the comments in code carefully and replace the variables as asked.
2. Here, <desired_module> means the module name you see in the URL, for example, Contacts, Leads, Accounts, etc.
3. You may find the field names and its labels in Admin > Studio > <Your_module> > Fields > <Choose correct field> > Take 
Field Name and System Label.

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